Thursday, May 15, 2008

That Love Is All There Is...?

Is there such a thing as love? What we call love is basically a desperate need to be appreciated, valued, isn't it? But if love is so selfish, then how can it be beautiful? Why do poets and so called 'lovers' waste their entire lives pining for it? Maybe I just haven't met anyone who is happy in love. Even Dr Ahmar, and his love, Zoya, of Dhoop Kinarey, were never happy together. Had they married, they wouldn't have lasted as a couple because their needs and natures were simply too different.

Is it possible to be happy alone? I haven't met anyone who is alone and happy, either. A friend comes to mind, but I don't know if she is as happy as she claims to be. Or maybe it is just the love-addicted fool in me that refuses to believe anyone can be happy without someone in their lives.

Love hurts. And hurts bad. Because there is nothing more painful than feeling unappreciated, unwanted, undervalued. See? That selfishness again. What is this crazy need to be wanted? How would it feel to be alone and fulfilled within oneself? I have never been that way, because all my life, I have been 'in love' with someone or the other.

Are you happy? In love or alone? Would you like to share your feelings with me?

1 comment:

Ajar thoughts said...